
Construction Submittals Software

Never Guess About a Submittal Again

Always know your submittal statuses in the office and the field, as well as who you are waiting on with our Ball-in-Court (BIC) workflow feature.

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Helping You Streamline Your Submittal Process

Use HeavyJob to streamline your construction submittal process by grouping your submittals by status (open/closed), submittal types (shop drawing, plans, specs, etc.) using your standard material library, and the ability to filter by the due date, ball-in-court (BIC), or response status.

Construction submittal software from HCSS helps ensure project engineers, contractors, and project managers stay on the same page throughout the project and helps stakeholders ensure construction projects stay in compliance with the original design specifications.

Quickly Locate a Submittal

View submittals by a wide range of filters such as submittal types and search by any term in the submittal to easily locate and view attached documents.

Share Submittals Instantly

Send to suppliers and owners as soon as a submittal is approved and track ball-in-court (BIC).

Track Ball-In-Court (BIC)

Send to suppliers and owners in order to track ball-in-court.

submittals software
submittals software
submittals software
ruby athwal bay cities paving and grading, inc.

Chief Administrative Officer | Bay Cities Paving & Grading, Inc.

Ruby Athwal

HCSS has definitley saved us time in retrieving and sending information to and from the field. Now, we’re getting submittals and RFI’s into our foremen’s hands faster. Then, using Production Planner to target profit margins and tweak if necessary.

Chat with us to see if HeavyJob is right for you & see a custom demo.

When you fill out the form, we’ll reach out to you promptly to answer your questions and help you decide if construction submittal software will be the right fit for you.

Afterward, we’ll create a custom demo tailored to your needs to show how HeavyJob can start solving your construction submittal issues immediately!

Request a Demo

Demo Request - HeavyJob - EP18
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