
Millstone Weber: I-69 Taylor Ridge to Plummer Creek

Project Description

The I-69 Taylor Ridge to Plummer Creek project is a $109,600,000 design-build contract with Indiana DOT to construct a 2.68-mile section of I-69. The project is all new alignment through a remote and environmentally sensitive area. The project required a 2000′ long bridge with an average height of 60′ to be constructed over the wetlands of Black Ankle Valley.

What makes it interesting?

Extensive ground improvements were completed ranging from high-strength fabrics, to wick drains, to staged embankments with chemically modified soils to allow for fills over 100 feet to be made. 4,000,000 cubic yards of material were moved to complete the large cuts and fills on the project.

How HCSS Software assisted with the Project.

The project is a line item Joint Venture between Millstone Weber and Kolb Grading. The project was bid with HeavyBid. Both companies use HeavyJob. Fueling on the project was done by Kolb Grading with FuelerPlus. Millstone Weber uses HCSS Dispatcher to help manage our equipment needs. Companies have exchanged work between each other and billing back and forth has been completed using tools in HeavyJob.

As a full-service heavy civil construction company in the transportation industry, Millstone Weber, LLC. (MW) strives to improve lives by giving back to their community.

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