In the Oil and Gas business, the billing process requires submitting daily reports for clients to review and invoice. Prior to purchasing HCSS in 2017, Trendsetter Construction was compiling these reports manually - making calculations in spreadsheets, and then collecting hours worked off paper tickets on the timesheets to create these reports that could be handed to the client.
This process took up too much time and effort and didn’t help them understand whether they were profitable or not. With business booming, something had to change or they wouldn’t be able to keep up with demand or growth.
Using HeavyJob to Improve Cash Flow
“This is where the Time and Material (T&M) Billing in HeavyJob has really helped us out, says Joel Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, Trendsetter Construction, Inc. “It used to take us two to three weeks to gather the bill before we could submit it. Then we would send it in to get it signed and paid. But, with HeavyJob, what we work on this week will be on the customers’ desks by the end of next week. This has made a pretty big impact on us – it has helped our cash flow a lot better, and our customers are happier because they are not having to wait a month for an invoice that might put them behind.”

As a result of using HeavyJob for their T&M billing, Trendsetter has seen customers favor them for their precise, clean, and honest billing. In the process of replacing their broken paper process, the company’s transformation using HeavyJob has also helped them improve communication between office and field, making their team able to pay their employees faster and more accurately.
“We do all of our payroll for 275 people up to 350 with one person,” says Campbell, speaking about how payroll used to be a bigger expense to process. “We used to have three people doing payroll between the different divisions, but now it goes through one person, and she does all of it across all of our different divisions. That says a lot about the software, that it can be adapted to fit different divisions that you have.”

Trendsetter also says that prior to HeavyJob, they had four people that were doing their daily time and material reports for clients, sifting through 3,800 daily tickets a year.
“We went from four people to two people doing that, using T&M in HeavyJob, and now we’re also getting more accurate data and production from the time cards,” says Campbell. “For us, it was direct upfront savings that we received for switching to HCSS.”
The Field Takes Ownership of Their Work
Campbell says that not only can it make you better to do your due diligence and research, but you have to check what you did today against your production quantities to verify your progress. “Our people want to be successful and want to be a part of a winning team,” says Campbell. “So if you could give them the tools to illustrate how something that is good for the company can be good for them, most of them, pick it up and run with it.”

“What we have noticed, especially over time, is that we’re actually seeing our foremen and superintendents looking at what they're doing each day, and if they realize, ‘I didn't make it today then tomorrow, I've got to do better.’ That’s what we want,” says Campbell. “We want our guys to not only understand what they're doing but understand the importance of how they're doing their job each day. It's not only for today or just for tomorrow. This is for 10 years from now so that we can be stronger and more competitive.”