How Campos EPC Saves Time, Money, and Streamlines Operations Using HCSS
Campos EPC optimized operations and saved its utility client over $120M in negotiated construction costs
Pain Points
Campos EPC, an industry leader in procurement and construction, offers execution and design services for companies in the utility industry. To better serve their customers, many of whom are still estimating with spreadsheets, Campos EPC sought out a more efficient solution that easily integrates with others systems.
Plan of Attack
To help their customers move away from estimating in spreadsheets, Campos EPC brought on HeavyBid as part of their target price estimating and negotiations processes. With the level of accuracy and detail that HeavyBid estimates offer, their involvement with customers has grown, allowing them to perform total cost estimates that are encapsulated within one template.

WHO:Campos EPC
WHERE:Denver, CO
INDUSTRY:Energy Infrastructure
SOLUTIONS:Estimating | Job Costing | Management

"HeavyBid really helps us plug the numbers in, get it organized, and showcase it with a bottom-up approach."
- Michael Saliba, Principal, Campos Precision
Streamlined Operations For Quicker Completion of Turnkey Estimates
Unlike with spreadsheets, Campos EPC and its customers are able to integrate their estimating processes with scheduling, accounting, and more, creating a feedback loop that has improved efficiency and accuracy.
More Detailed Estimates Based on Historical Rates
More Detailed Estimates Based on Historical Rates
Established Pricing Consistency
The implementation of HeavyBid has allowed Campos EPC and its customers to establish a detailed historical database that keeps pricing consistent across the board.
More Negotiating Power
Detailed estimates from HeavyBid have allowed Campos EPC estimators to evaluate their customer’s estimates against contractor bids at the bid-item level to come to an agreed-upon cost basis.
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